A man who hooked upwardly with a adult female inwards Las Vegas before this month discovered, after wakeful upward in his hotel elbow room the next morning, the absence seizure of the woman, his wallet, his cell phone, and his Apple Watch. It sounds like the game of a predictable Hollywood comedy. But this real-life story took some unexpected and dour turns.

Instead of reporting the theft to law and chalking it upward to experience, the dupe responded with some originative and successful police detective work. He purchased a young electric cell speech sound that he used to cart track his old one. This led him to St. George, Utah, an outdoor recreation hotspot nigh 2 hours northwestward of Las Vegas.

Phoney Business

While honing inwards on his older phone’s signal, the man spotted the woman he knew only when as “Stephanie” driving an Acura SUV with NV plates. According to the St. George III News, he followed her to a motel, from which he phoned local police. When the responding officers showed the man a photo of the vehicle’s owner, he identified her as the woman he had spent the evening with deuce years earlier.

Jennifer Leann Gularek, 30, admitted to police having just now been inwards Las Vegas — because she lives at that place — but denied possessing any of the complainant’s property.

According to the newspaper’s report, police force obtained a warrant to search the suspect, her room, and her vehicle. In the SUV, officers say they found the complainant’s speech sound and a cant identity card issued inward his name.

Here Comes the Dark Part …

Police say they also found and confiscated a Glock handgun they learned was reported to the Las Vegas Metro Police has existence stolen inward 2011, along with a plastic baggie filled with bullets. Also in the SUV was a large pile of gambling casino loyalty cards with magnetic strips on the back. According to the officers, these are commonly used to clon stolen course credit and bank building cards.

The surmise admitted disbursement the eventide with the complainant, police force said, but claimed she just borrowed his cant card during a shopping get off and forgot to homecoming it. She said the small-arm was purchased at a Las Vegas gun show, though she was unable to create a receipt for the sale. She offered no account as to how the complainant’s electric cell sound got inward her SUV.

The surmise was arrested and taken to Purgatory Correctional Facility (yes, it’s a tangible place) and faces single bet apiece of unlawful acquisition, ownership or shift of a financial card, and wrongful employment of a financial card. All are third-degree felonies. She also faces tercet infraction charges, including two counts of theft past receiving stolen holding and ace calculate of obstructer of justice.

She was released after posting bond paper a 24-hour interval later.

Be thrifty out there, folks!