Scot and Brit Who Stole Big Money for Their Gambling Habits Receive Very Different Punishments

If you’re sledding to embezzle funds from an employer inward the UK, it mightiness live improve to doh it in England and not Scotland. Two similar schemes, fueled by a penchant for gambling, resulted inwards two completely dissimilar punishments.

One compositor's case involved a former camber manager inwards England, patch the other was a postal worker inward Scotland. In both scenarios, the individuals had stolen monolithic amounts – at least £160,000 (US$209,680) – from their respective employers.

One walked away with a suspended doom and no more poky time. The other, however, is sledding to prison house for 28 months.

Bank Manager Gets Slap On The Wrist

BBC reports that a former bank building manager with Lloyds will make to repay the money he stole, but won’t pass time behindhand bars. type A Gloucester Crown Margaret Court judge found Ashley Neville Chamberlain guilty of stealing £175,000 (US$229,337) from the camber for his gambling addiction.

Beginning inward Dec 2017, the 34-year-old began swiping funds, continuing his defalcation until June 2021. It wasn’t until an audit of the bank’s finances was conducted that anyone discovered there was a problem.

When bank building officials approached Chamberlain, he admitted to his deception. He would later explain that he had spent around £970,000 (US$1.27 million) gaming online and needed the money to hold his streak going.

While Arthur Neville Chamberlain had some success, reportedly winning £570,000 (US$746,985), he was still inward the hole. He repeatedly transferred money from the bank’s accounts to his own, then forwarded it to a split up business relationship he maintained for gambling.

Chamberlain and his attorney asked for leniency when he made his appearance inward court. They explained that he has been receiving handling for his habituation from Gamblers Anonymous and hadn’t gambled inwards o'er deuce years.

In addition, he is also repaying the money he stole. He is trying to sell his house and took all the money from his pension off project to create restitution.

The justice recognised the arguments and gave him a two-year jailhouse doom that he and then suspended for 18 months. At the same time, he ordered Arthur Neville Chamberlain to nail 250 hours of community divine service and present Lloyds an additional £30,000 (US$39,315).

Postal Worker Heads To Jail

In Lerwick, Scotland, Jack Simpson wasn’t as lucky. The 29-year-old former postal clerk received his lengthy condemn for stealing £160,000 (US$209,680) from the postal service.

Simpson pulled off his rip-off in only vi months, from Jan to Aug 2021. He was supposed to deliver cash in he received to the main Wiley Post Office, but put the money inwards accounts controlled past him and a former partner.

That money so went to betting accounts at Betfred, Mick Power, Ladbrokes and others, according to The Zetland Times. He reportedly had at least 25 betting accounts, through and through which he missed all of the money and more.

The condemn of 28 months could have got been worse. Last year, a former Scottish fellow member of parliament, Natalie McGarry, received two years for embezzling simply £24,635 (US$32,635) from ii groups for which she worked as their treasurer.

There’s evidently no practice of law that says the countries of the UK must make similar laws. The sentences imposed on Arthur Neville Chamberlain and Wallis Warfield Simpson present how different England and Scotland are.

A law steadfast inwards England, GMF Law, states on its website that peculation is a “common law” offense, which it says means the authorities has no more received penalty. However, for a individual “charged with defalcation in the Sheriff Margaret Court on summary complaint (before a Sheriff posing without a jury), the maximum sentence which can follow imposed is 12 months imprisonment, or a mulct of £10,000 (US$13,101).”

On the other hand, the Scottish jurisprudence loyal of Martha Graham Alice Walker shows a different come near in the country. It explains on its site, “Depending on whether your grammatical case is heard in the Sheriff Margaret Court or the High Court, you could human face charges of 5 years or yet more.”